Switch Your Business To Solar & Save Up To 90% On Your Electricity Bills.

Greener Upgrade is a leading provider of commercial solar solutions. We help businesses save money, increase property value, and benefit the environment with solar energy.
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Every commercial solar solution we present to our partners is individually tailored to suit their needs.

Our 10 years of tailored solutions have helped our 467+ commercial partners access government funding to cut energy costs, become self-sufficient and reduce their carbon footprint. We offer real-world solutions to help you meet your goals with our financing options, government schemes and internal project management team.

View our accreditations below which ensure the highest level of quality assurance.


Solar panels can help businesses to reduce their energy bills by up to 90%. This can save businesses a significant amount of money over the lifetime of their solar system.


Solar panels can add value to a commercial property. Studies have shown that commercial properties with solar panels sell for an average of 20% more than properties without solar panels.


Solar energy is a clean, renewable source of energy that does not produce greenhouse gases. By installing solar panels, businesses can make a positive impact on the environment.


Businesses that install solar panels are seen as being environmentally conscious and progressive. This can help to attract new customers and boost brand reputation.


Commercial solar projects can be complex and require a lot of expertise. Businesses want to partner with a solar company that has a proven track record of success and that can deliver a high-quality solar system.


Businesses want to be able to understand the solar process from start to finish. They want to know what their options are, what the costs will be, and how long the project will take.


Not all commercial businesses are the same. They have different energy needs and different budgets. Businesses want a solar solution that is customized to their specific needs.


Greener Upgrade can help ease those concerns by offering financing options through our multiple finance partners which can help you pay for your new solar system over time with zero upfront cost.

We guaranteed cash flow positive investments for commercial solar installations.

  • What does it mean to be cash flow positive for a commercial solar installation?
    A cash flow positive commercial solar installation is one that generates more revenue from its solar energy production than it costs to operate and maintain. This means that the business that owns the solar installation will see a positive cash flow from the installation, even after taking into account the upfront cost of installation.
  • How can you guarantee cash flow positive investments for commercial solar installations?
    There are a few factors that can affect the cash flow of a commercial solar installation. These include the size of the solar installation, the amount of sunlight that the installation receives, the cost of electricity in the area, and the financing terms of the solar installation.
    To guarantee cash flow positive investments for commercial solar installations, you need to make sure that the solar installation is sized correctly for the business’s needs. You also need to make sure that the installation is located in an area that receives a lot of sunlight. Additionally, you need to make sure that the business can afford the upfront cost of the installation and the ongoing cost of operation and maintenance.
  • Here are some of the ways to guarantee cash flow positive investments for commercial solar installations:
    Choose the right size solar installation.
    The size of the solar installation should be based on the business’s energy needs. A solar installation that is too small will not generate enough electricity to offset the business’s energy costs. A solar installation that is too large will be more expensive to install and maintain.
    Install the solar panels in an area that receives a lot of sunlight.
    The amount of sunlight that the solar panels receive will affect how much electricity they generate. Solar panels that are installed in an area that receives a lot of sunlight will generate more electricity than solar panels that are installed in an area that receives less sunlight.
    Choose a financing option that fits the business’s needs.
    There are a variety of financing options available for commercial solar installations. The business should choose a financing option that fits its budget and its cash flow needs.
    Monitor the solar installation’s performance.
    The business should monitor the solar installation’s performance to make sure that it is generating as much electricity as it should be. If the solar installation is not generating as much electricity as it should be, the business may need to make adjustments to the installation or the financing.
  • Capital Purchase
    - Purchase your system outright
    - The fastest avenue for immediate returns
    - Suitable to companies that prefer to own their own system that have access to low-cost capital
    - Customers who are eligible for the Instant Asset Write Off can double down on their investment returns
  • Lease/Chattel Mortgage
    - No up-front cost
    - System often pays for itself through the energy savings generated
    - Spread the cost across 5-10 years
    - Lock in set finance repayments lower than the solar savings
    - Operational risk is carried by you
    - Customers who are eligible for the Instant Asset Write Off can double down on their investment returns
  • Power Purchase Agreement
    - No capital outlay
    - Lock your energy at a fixed rate
    - The maintenance and servicing of the system is included for the term of the agreement
    - The PPA energy rate is set from Year 1, providing long-term price certainty
    - Slash your operational risk. Ownership and maintenance lies with Smart Commercial Solar
    - Loss in energy generation is covered if the system underperforms


In the rapidly growing field of renewable energy, commercial solar projects play a vital role in reducing carbon emissions and promoting sustainability. Various certificates and incentives are available to encourage the adoption of solar energy systems by providing financial support, reducing installation costs, generating additional revenue and contribute to environmental sustainability.

Here, we explore the benefits of three essential certificates – STCs, LGCs – and provide real-life examples of how they impact commercial solar projects in Victoria (VIC) and New South Wales (NSW).

  • Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs)
    STCs are designed to support small-scale renewable energy installations, including solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, with a capacity of up to 100kW. The number of STCs awarded is based on the system’s expected electricity generation over a set number of years.
    Financial Incentive: STCs represent a tradable commodity, allowing solar system owners to sell them at market rates to aggregators or liable entities.
    Cost Reduction: By selling STCs, businesses can offset a portion of the upfront installation costs, making solar power more financially viable.
    Real-Life Example:
    A shopping mall in NSW plans to install a 50kW solar PV system on its rooftop. Through the STC scheme, the mall receives 500 STCs, which can be sold to an energy retailer, reducing the upfront cost of the solar project by AUD $20,000.
  • Large-scale Generation Certificates (LGCs)
    LGCs are designed to support large-scale renewable energy projects, typically with a capacity of over 100kW. They are generated based on the amount of renewable energy produced by the system.
    Additional Revenue Stream: Solar farms and large-scale commercial solar installations can generate LGCs, which can be sold to meet the renewable energy obligations of liable entities.
    Long-Term Income: LGCs provide an ongoing income stream throughout the lifespan of the solar project.
    Real-Life Example:
    A 5MW solar farm in VIC generates approximately 7,500 LGCs annually. The project developer can sell these certificates to electricity retailers or traders at the current market price, generating an additional revenue stream of around AUD 225,000 per year.


Many companies now enjoy energy independence day and night, preventing inconveniences of the unreliable supply of electricity grids in Australia. It also provides the following benefits:

  • Reduces peak demand charges
    The surplus electricity generated by the solar system is stored in the batteries, preventing it from going to waste. This stored energy can be harnessed and fed to the grid during the peak times of the day, lessening the high cost of electricity consumption. It enables the business to use the stored energy when the mains electricity supply rate is most expensive.
  • Helps in shifting electricity consumption profiles
    Tapping the stored energy in the battery during peak business hours results in substantial savings. It accounts for a significant reduction in the yearly electricity expenditure of the company, which changes the demand charges. A large company using 2,000 kilowatts per hour/day can save a lot if it decides to have a 100kW PV system with 210 kWh battery storage system installed. The projected savings will change its usage profile based on the electricity tariff structure.
    Other potential benefits of commercial energy storage for businesses and/or utilities include:
    -Energy arbitrage
    -Resiliency and backup power
    -Ensuring supply adequacy
    -Transmission congestion relief
    -Deferring transmission and distribution upgrades
    -Participation in demand response programs
    -Frequency regulation
    - Reserve market participation

Battery Storage Advantages

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Supporting You Every Step of the Journey

At every stage, we stand by your side, guiding you through analysis, feasibility, construction, and continuous support, ensuring your business reaps the maximum benefits from its solar investment

Customized Approach

Recognizing that solar energy solutions cannot be standardized, we are dedicated to comprehending your distinct requirements, business objectives, and investment benchmarks. Our mission is to deliver the finest possible outcomes tailored to your specific needs.

01 Initial Consultation and Needs Assessment
02 Financing and Incentive Coordination
03 Customized Proposal and System Design
04 Regulatory Compliance
05 Installation Planning and Logistics
06 Professional Installation and Quality Assurance
07 Monitoring and Performance Optimization
08 Training, Documentation, and Ongoing Support

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We guaranteed cash flow positive investments for commercial solar installations.

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